Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
Žanrs: Asa sižeta, Piedzīvojumu, Komēdija, Ģimenes, Mistika, Zinātniskā fantastika.
Režisors: Rob Letterman
Pirmizrāde: 0000-00-00
Ilgums: 104 min
Pokémon Detective Pikachu 2019 apraksts & anotācija
The story begins when ace detective Harry Goodman goes mysteriously missing, prompting his 21-year-old son Tim to find out what happened. Aiding in the investigation is Harry's former Pokémon partner, Detective Pikachu: a hilariously wise-cracking, adorable super-sleuth who is a puzzlement even to himself. Finding that they are uniquely equipped to communicate with one another, Tim and Pikachu join forces on a thrilling adventure to unravel the tangled mystery. Chasing clues together through the neon-lit streets of Ryme City--a sprawling, modern metropolis where humans and Pokémon live side by side in a hyper-realistic live-action world--they encounter a diverse cast of Pokémon characters and uncover a shocking plot that could destroy this peaceful co-existence and threaten the whole Pokémon universe.
Pokémon Detective Pikachu aktieri
- Ryan ReynoldsRyan Reynolds - 30 filmasBill NighyBill Nighy - 25 filmasKen WatanabeKen Watanabe - 7 filmasChris GeereChris Geere - 4 filmasRita OraRita Ora - 4 filmasJustice Smithimdb.comSuki WaterhouseSuki Waterhouse - 6 filmasKathryn NewtonKathryn Newton - 5 filmasJosette Simonimdb.comAlejandro De Mesa
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Neviens nav uzrakstījis pozitīvu filmas vērtējumu :( Tu vari būt pirmais!Ne tik pozitīvo balsojumu komentāri
Neviens nav uzrakstījis negatīvu filmas vērtējumu :( Tu vari būt pirmais!Pokémon Detective Pikachu online latviski
Pokémon Detective Pikachu online
Pokémon Detective Pikachu online latviski var skatīties arī lapās, kuras piedāvā šādas iespējas. Lapas, kurās ir pieejama Pokémon Detective Pikachu online, ir atrodams sadaļā filmas latviešu valodā online. Manskino.lv mājaslapā Pokémon Detective Pikachu latviešu valodā skatīties nevar.
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