Spenser Confidential (2020)
Žanrs: Asa sižeta, Komēdija, Noziegums, Drāma, Mistika, Trilleris.
Režisors: Peter Berg
Pirmizrāde: 0000-00-00
Ilgums: 111 min
Spenser Confidential 2020 apraksts & anotācija
Spenser (Mark Wahlberg) - an ex-cop better known for making trouble than solving it - just got out of prison and is leaving Boston for good. But first he gets roped into helping his old boxing coach and mentor, Henry (Alan Arkin), with a promising amateur. That's Hawk (Winston Duke), a brash, no-nonsense MMA fighter convinced he'll be a tougher opponent than Spenser ever was. When two of Spenser's former colleagues turn up murdered, he recruits Hawk and his foul-mouthed ex-girlfriend, Cissy (Iliza Shlesinger), to help him investigate and bring the culprits to justice. Inspired by Robert B. Parker's Wonderland, a best-selling novel by Ace Atkins.
The Law Has Limits. They Don't.
Spenser Confidential aktieri
- Alan ArkinAlan Arkin - 18 filmasMark WahlbergMark Wahlberg - 36 filmasColleen Campimdb.comBokeem WoodbineBokeem Woodbine - 5 filmasMichael GastonMichael Gaston - 5 filmasJames DuMontimdb.comWinston Dukeimdb.comIliza Shlesingerimdb.comPost Maloneimdb.comMarc Maron
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