The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
(0 vērtējumi)
Žanrs: Šausmu.
Režisors: Andru00e9 u00d8vredal
Pirmizrāde: 2016-12-23
Ilgums: 99 min
Žanrs: Šausmu.
Režisors: Andru00e9 u00d8vredal
Pirmizrāde: 2016-12-23
Ilgums: 99 min
The Autopsy of Jane Doe 2016 apraksts & anotācija
Cox and Hirsch play father and son coroners who receive a mysterious homicide victim with no apparent cause of death...
The Autopsy of Jane Doe aktieri
- Ophelia LovibondOphelia Lovibond - 6 filmasEmile HirschEmile Hirsch - 18 filmasBrian CoxBrian Cox - 16 filmasParker SawyersParker Sawyers - 4 filmasMichael McElhattonMichael McElhatton - 3 filmasJane Perryimdb.comOlwen Catherine Kelly
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The Autopsy of Jane Doe 2016 recenzijas
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