The Perfect Storm (2000)

6 6/7 (2 vērtējumi)

Žanrs: Asa sižeta, Piedzīvojumu, Drāma, Trilleris.
Režisors: Wolfgang Petersen
Pirmizrāde: 2000-06-30

The Perfect Storm 2000 apraksts & anotācija

An unusually intense storm pattern catches some commercial fishermen unaware and puts them in mortal danger.

In the Fall of 1991, the "Andrea Gail" left Gloucester, Mass. and headed for the fishing grounds of the North Atlantic. Two weeks later, an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history.

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Neviens nav uzrakstījis pozitīvu filmas vērtējumu :( Tu vari būt pirmais!
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Neviens nav uzrakstījis negatīvu filmas vērtējumu :( Tu vari būt pirmais!

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